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CASA Mission Statement:
The mission of CASA is
Bringing together animals in
need and caring people,
forever enriching their lives”.
Volume 13
Issue 1
Winter 2019
Camano Animal Shelter Newsletter
Message from the Shelter Manager
Recently I had to say goodbye to my cat that I rescued as a kitten. My last two cats that
passed lived happily each until the age of 24, so having to make an end of life decision for my
cat at just 15 years old was incredibly hard. Regardless of whether the choice is the right one
or the only one left, it is still always the hardest one. I knew there was no coming back for my
cat. I had already been treating her slow organ failure. Are we really ever ready for this
How do I know when it is time to help them go? people ask a lot. I am a firm believer that
every pet is unique and a pet owner knows their pet best, but even the best homes can have
a very hard time letting go which may lead to a pet suffering more. I dont feel that its any
easier for me, but I guess I have guides which I use professionally that help me review facts
and put aside my emotions. Is discomfort outweighing the animals joy? Is care and
medication easing enough of their discomfort? Is this something they can recover from and
have good quality of life? If I know what the end of the road looks like, do I need to keep
driving just to see it? Is it fair for my pet to be on that road with me simply because I myself
am having an inner struggle? Our pain is inevitable when we lose a pet, but their pain doesnt
have to be. We can help them by making sure that their final days are still happy for them and
not allow their final days to be miserable or painful - if we can help it. The vet asked me if I
was sure I was ready and I said I will not prolong her suffering.I do tell myself this, even at
the shelter, and I think saying it out loud helped me that day too.
The time after your pet passes can be the hardest. There is an emptiness even if you still
have other pets. That day I took my cat in to end her suffering I had a hard time getting out of
my car to go into work afterwards. I went straight to the bathroom where four terrified and
unsocialized little dogs were and locked myself inside. I sat on the floor among them and
slowly I gained a lap full of scared, yet curious little snugglers. They needed something from
me and I needed something from them. We soaked in each others company - in silence.
Have you lost your pet recently? Do you want to try some pet therapy? You are always free to
visit our shelter and sit with the animals. You could even join our volunteer team if you wish,
but youre more than welcome to just come interact with them. As much as you think you may
need their closeness, they really could use yours too.
Tegan Locker - Shelter Manager
In This Issue:
Message from Shelter Manager 1
Hard to Adopt 1
Hard to Adopt (cont.) 2
Glass Quest 2
Business Members 3
CASA Alumni 3
Shelter Wish List 3
Happy Tails 4
Happy Tails (continued) 5
Donation Boxes 5
Legacy of Love 5
CASA - State and National Org. 6
2018 Animal Statistics 6
Paws for Applause 7
Is Your Dog Legal? 7
Pet Memorials 7
Donation Form 7
CASA News 8
CASA Website:
CASA E-Mail:
See more on page 2 - Hard to Adopt
Hard to Adopt
CASA is a no-kill shelter, but what does that really mean?
By definition, we never euthanize for space or convenience.
This means we have to work even harder to find homes for
all of the animals, including those who are harder to adopt.
Since they will be with us longer than others, we strive to
make their stay with us a pleasant one while marketing
them more frequently to the public.
Two of our residents certainly fall into the hard to adopt
category. Facebook followers will recognize their stories, but
we want to share them with you so that you realize what the
words no-killmean for these dogs and for the shelter.
Bruno, a stocky pit bull/Australian cattle dog mix was
featured with his friend, Mac, in last years winter newsletter
as an example of dogs that were bonded. Since then we
spoke at length with their previous home and found that they would probably be fine apart
despite how much they cared for each other. Mac has since been adopted and Bruno is
CASA Vision:
A world in which every animal
has a voice, proper care,
safety, security and is free from
abuse and neglect.
Join CASA on Facebook!
We love to share photos of
our animals and updates on
events. Post your photos too
with our 6,700+ Facebook
NEW - CASA is now a
Facebook Charity -
Select CASA as a Fundraiser
Bruno is a big loveable
dog waiting for a home.
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Issue 1
Winter 2019
Volume 13
Board Members
Martha Huyler
Vice President:
Sara Schmitt
Cathy Massimino
Gloria Ingraffia
Wendy Weaver
Members at Large:
John Cole
Jim Howard
Shelter Manager:
Tegan Locker
Assistant Manager:
Rozalynn M.
Shelter Staff:
Rebecca S.
Trisha T.
Ireland W.
Physical Address:
198 Can Ku Road
Camano Island, WA
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1726
Stanwood, WA
Wed - Fri 11 - 3
Sat 11 - 4
Sun 11 - 3
Mon & Tues Closed
Mark Your Calendar!
CASA Friends
First Thursday
of each month at 7 PM
Island County Multi-Purpose
Join us to help plan events!
Glass Quest
Friday, February 15
Sunday, February 24
Free Microchip Clinic
Little Whiskers Drive
Bake and Plant Sale
Saturday, May 11
Draw Cat/Dog Art Contest
Saturday, May 11
(Continued from Page 1, Hard to Adopt)
doing amazingly well by himself. The shelter dog walkers have pointed out how much
calmer they think he is without having to worry about protecting his little insecure friend.
Bruno is looking for a home without cats and or children. He has a history of doing good
with other dogs, small and large, as long as they are calm. He is not a fan of boisterous
and energetic dogs. The other dog should also be secure so Bruno doesn't feel the need
to keep them safe. He even used to attend daily doggy daycare with group play.
Bruno does not have the best kennel manners with strangers and can seem a bit scary
with his deep bark sometimes, but he is a very sweet dog. He is quite strong so his
forever home should be ready for a workout on walks and have good dog experience.
Bruno has skin allergies so he will must be on a special food and may need to stay on
daily Apoquel in a home environment. He is currently on a grain free single source
protein kibble, but would also love a raw feeding home!
He has been with CASA since October 2017. During the
kennel renovation, he went to Everett Animal Shelter for a
brief stay. Bruno seems very content with the new glass
dog suites and music playing in the background, but
would much prefer the love of a family in a home
Raider, a six year old Golden Retriever, was brought to
CASA by people who acquired him and another dog
when they were abandoned by a neighbor. Although
Golden Retrievers are quickly adopted, Raiders
background has placed him in the hard to adopt
category. He has spent his life mostly outside and will
need basic training. Raider does pull on a leash and is a
very rude greeter due to his lack of training and knows no
basic commands so will need to be taught these things as well as potty training.
Potential adopters must be skilled in training dogs to get the best from Raider.
He has lived with adults and children over nine years old. Raider is a more dominant dog
and doesn't do well with small dogs or other dominant dogs. He would do best paired
with a like-size (or larger) non-dominant dog with monitored or separated feeding so he
doesn't keep another dog from eating. He is friendly and playful, but does love to over-
lick objects (like patio doors, fences, windows) to show his excitement and sometimes
anxiety. Raider has vet diagnosed OCD-licking which will need to be managed and may
also be helped by keeping him active and busy.
As a no-kill shelter, these dogs will stay with us until we find the right home for them. We
urge you to help us find the caring people who will adopt these animals in need so that
their lives can be enriched forever.
Raider is friendly and
playful but needs training.
Raider and Bruno now enjoy the quiet
well-lit glass kennel suites while soothing
music plays. From their prime locations
they are easily viewable by guests and
they can see what is happening.
Stop by and
Feb 15th - 24th
During Open
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Issue 1
Winter 2019
Volume 13
AAA Backflow Testing & Svc, LLC
Advantage Accounting & Tax Services
Affordable Pet Care
Apollo Concrete Sawing, Inc.
AWR Inc. / General Contractor
Camano Body Shop, Inc.
Camano Canine Resort
Camano Center
Camano Storage
Camano Veterinary Clinic
Certified Services Auto & Truck Repair
Coastal Community Bank
Edward Jones - Peggy Burr
Envirotek, LLC*
Furry Friends - Barbara Peterson
Glass Tech Stanwood, Inc.
Happy House Construction Co.
Headlines Hair Salon
Heritage Bank
Invisible Fence Brand of Seattle
Jeanne Fay
Julz Animal Houz - Pet Supply
KittyStar Services - Diane Venberg
Kristas Pet Spaw
Lenz Enterprises
Marks Camano Pharmacy
Movement Arts Yoga and Pilates
North Sound Physical Therapy
Northwest Veterinary Clinic - Stanwood
Pritchard Insurance
Process Solutions, Inc.*
Puget Sound Tree Care LLC
Rebecca Bowler, LMP
SchaSam Farms LLC
Seven Lakes Dental
Starlight Vintage Emporium
State Farm Ins. – Leslie Tripp Agency
Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians
Stilly River Mechanical*
Thomas & Lee / Sothebys Realty*
TimLabs: Windows Computer Services
Totally Tails Pet Care Services
Tulalip Tribes*
Twin City Lanes
Washington Federal
Windermere Real Estate
Windermere Real Estate - Linda Evans
* New business member
We appreciate the support of
these local businesses.
CASA Alumni
Copper Huyler
Adopted Oct 2018
Ziggy Sweet
Adopted Sept 2018
Lord Beerus (and friend)
Adopted Oct 2018
Leroy Hoover
Adopted Oct 2018
Kodie Tilleson
Adopted May 2011
Our Shelter Wish List
PET SUPPLIES: Cat litter or pellets (our greatest need)
GENERAL SUPPLIES: Liquid bleach, Liquid laundry detergent, Dryer sheets,
Liquid dish soap (no antibacterial)
OFFICE SUPPLIES: Standard letter size white copy paper
PET FOOD: KMR Liquid Kitten Milk Replacement,
Baby food (small jars of pureed meats)
Royal Canin Babycatand Kitten dry food, Canned kitten food, Dry Kirkland
cat food (Costco), Canned cat food (no 9 Lives)
Dry Grain-Free Zignature Whitefish Dog Food (Julz Animal Houz),
Large raw knuckle bones (from butcher),S oft treats and grain-free treats
Visit Amazon.com or Smile.Amazon.com
Enter Camano Animal Shelterto see our Wish List
Or click on Amazon Wish List from our website.
When you place an order from our Amazon.com wish list,
your donations will be shipped
directly to our shelter!
Remy (Robin) Ostrofe
Adopted Oct 2018
Have you adopted from CASA?
Send us an email message with a photo of your pet and well include it in our
next newsletter! Please be sure to include the full name of your pet and the
month/year adopted. Have a Happy Tail? Send that also.
CASAs email address is: casa@camanoanimalshelter.org.
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Issue 1
Winter 2019
Volume 13
I first met Anthony in 2017 when he showed up on the CASA website. I went up to
visit him and he would not come out from under the cat cages. He was so afraid of
everything and most people. I wanted to adopt him then, but I was unable to drive
up there every day for him to get to know me. I ended up adopting another dog
from somewhere else but hadnt forgotten about Anthony.
About a year later in 2018 he showed up on the website again. I was shocked to
say the least. I had moved to Arlington and this time I was going to make every
effort to make him mine. I went up to meet him and fell in love. I drove to CASA
multiple times just to sit with him. On the fourth or fifth trip they finally let me take
him home! I was so happy! At first, he was afraid of everything! I got him a crate so
he could have somewhere to go to feel safe, which he used a lot in the beginning.
Its been a few months now and needless to say he has come out of his shell and
his crate. He loves to go for car rides and to the park and run around the backyard.
He follows my other dog around like a lovesick puppy even though she bosses him around a lot. The crate is now gone
and even though he is still afraid of loud noises he has really come around. He has found his forever home and I have
found my forever dog! ~ Trish Young
Note: Anthony spent several months at CASA in 2017 and was finally adopted. After staying in his home for six months,
he was brought back to CASA due to a change in family circumstances. This time he spent another five months in the
back office slowly becoming accustomed to the staff and occasional visitors.
About 10 years ago I adopted a 4 yr old Golden Retriever mix from your shelter. Her
name is Lily, I adopted her for my grandaughter of 6 yrs old. My grandaughter is now 16
years old and Lily turned 15 on December 1 2018. Lily is now a registered support dog for
my grandaughter who is autistic.
The two of them are best friends. Lily is an awesome dog with an amazing personality. I
urge others to adopt from shelters as Lily has brought us so much love and joy. Thank
you for all you do at the shelter. ~ Karen Newburn
Coco is a wonderful little being, who has helped our other dog Roscoe be a dog. Roscoe
has pretty severe anxiety issues and we thought another dog might give him someone to
follow as an example of how a dog should be a dog. It has worked both ways, Roscoe has
gained confidence and Coco has learned new skills. Watching Roscoe she has learned to
shake a paw, do a spin and stay on place (bed) while the people eat treats just happen!
She has full mastery of the power of cute, by being both able to burrow under the blankets
and push you out of bed while you marvel at how darn cute she is. Or the wiggles she
does on her back for no reason, just roll over and wiggle, wiggle. We debated adding a
second dog to our household for a long time because of Roscoes issues and we are so
glad it was Coco. Roscoe wont admit it but he likes her.
I should also mention that if anyone wants to follow her on Facebook, her page is Coco
Bean Fraser. ~ Matt Fraser
Coco has her
own Facebook page.
Lily is a registered
support dog.
Anthony loves to
go for car rides.
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Issue 1
Winter 2019
Volume 13
We adopted Tobert (Bert) and have been enjoying him so much. He doesn't hide
anymore! It took me a little time to coax him out to meet him at CASA, but after about
two days at our house, Tobert became much more confident. He also adjusted to our
senior dog very quickly.
Some of the fun surprises we discovered about Tobert is that he loves to play fetch with
his favorite toy, a shoe string! He is not so into the fun cat toy balls I got him. But he will
bring back that shoe lace over and over again! He also loves to race through the kitty
tunnel we brought him. And he loves spending time looking out the window on his cat
tree, which is also a preferred nap location. He's a good sport about being picked up
and cuddled a lot.
~ Greg Herschman
Kittens, Kittens, Kittens
Who needs television when you adopt kitties from CASA? Yes, three of them within
one week! One day in June, we stopped by to visit our favorite animal shelter and what
did we find but a little tuxedo boy who was found next to his deceased momma. Little
Duncan had a very rough start in life. He was too small for adoption and was going into
foster. We stopped by CASA when he was just coming available for adoption. We
found out that another kitten, Emerson, was just back from foster too. A quick visit with
her and YUP, we adopted both of the little furballs.
A week after while visiting CASA with our visiting grandson, we met a very scared long-
haired tuxedo girl named Spamoni. Spamoni was actually trapped out of an abandoned
house with her litter mates and was a wee bit feral. Okay, quite a bit feral. Our dog
Holly, another CASA alumni, became the momma. It was quite amazing to watch as she
corralled the babies, gently played with them and was not able to relax until she had all
of them together.
As time passed, the kitties have become our favorite form of entertainment and bring great joy to our house. They are
spoiled and loved beyond words. Having two dogs and four cats is quite an adventure, but so very worth it.
~ Jon and Bev Lein
Tobert loves looking out
the window on his cat tree.
Three little kittens together
in a basket.
In 2018 over $11,700 was collected via 29 donation boxes at Stanwood/Camano Island businesses
Winning locations this year:
Grocery Outlet and IGA
Other top locations include: Ace Hardware (Camano Plaza and Stanwood), Elger Bay Store and Plaza Chevron
The local businesses who display our donation collection boxes are appreciated!
Legacy of Love
Please remember the animals when you prepare your will or trust documents. Your gift of love and compassion
will make a life-saving difference for the animals who are counting on us To leave a bequest, simply write:
I give to the Camano Animal Shelter Association, 198 Can Ku Road, Camano Island, Washington 98282 (PO Box
1726, Stanwood, Washington 98292), federal tax ID number 91-1913293, (the sum of $________ or ____% of the
rest, residue and remainder of my estate) for its general purposes.If your gift involves insurance policies, land,
stock or other property, please include a description.
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Issue 1
Winter 2019
Volume 13
CASA - National and State Organizations
In 2018 CASA was granted The Guidestar Silver Seal of Transparency. GuideStar gathers,
organizes, and distributes information about U.S nonprofits. The Guidestar mission is to
revolutionize philanthropy by providing information that advances transparency, enables users
to make better decisions, and encourages charitable giving. They obtain data and aggregate it
into GuideStar Nonprofit Profiles, one profile for each organization in their database. Go to
www.guidestar.org to view CASAs profile and profiles of other non-profits. Note: you must
sign into Guidestar to see the information.
Shelter Animals Count
CASA regularly updates the national Shelter Animals Count database with our shelter counts.
Shelter Animals Count is a new, collaborative initiative to create and share a national database
of sheltered animal statistics. Shelter Animals Count was created to give shelters the
information they need to streamline their business operations, while at the same time making it
possible to get a holistic overview of the animal welfare landscape. By creating standardized
reporting and definitions for shelter statistics including intake, adoptions, return-to-owner,
transfers, euthanasia and shelter deaths it is possible to learn more about the animal welfare
community. Individuals cannot log into the database directly, but shelters and other welfare
organizations have access to this database, www.shelteranimalscount.org.
WA Federation of Animal Care and Control Agencies
CASA is a member of the WA Federation of Animal Care and Control Agencies. The
Federation was formed to provide animal agencies professional support, the opportunity to
train and network together, and bring professional growth to the animal protection business.
Agency board members are available to assist with shelter design, program information and
development, training and animal care and control resources on both a local and national level.
The Federation assumes a statewide leadership role with a collaborative approach in
advocating animal animal welfare. WA Federation utilizes the Shelter Animals Count database.
By participating in this organization CASA is kept abreast of the latest animal welfare and
shelter trends.
2018 Intake and Outcome Statistics - Over 600 Animals Came to CASA
In 2018, 605 animals (including cats, dogs, and other pets) came to CASA. CASA takes strays, impounds and surrenders
from Camano Island, but we also bring in dogs and cats from other shelters as space permits. We were able to help 88
dogs and 35 cats from other shelters this year that may not have had a chance otherwise.
Of the animals that came into CASA in 2018, the majority were adopted or returned to their owners. CASA partners with
local rescue groups to find homes for dogs who are difficult to place or who need more than a shelter provides.
As a No-Kill shelter, CASA never puts animals to sleep for convenience or lack of space. The deaths last year included
underage kittens some of whom died in foster care, others who arrived gravely injured and other cats that had to be put to
sleep because they were terminally ill and in the final stages of their illnesses. Thankfully, no dogs died or were put to sleep
at CASA in 2018.
Intake Total Stray Surrender Transfer
Impound Return
Cat 347 169 132 35 6 5
Dog 248 59 76 88 15 10
Outcome Adopted Return To
Put to
Cat 301 4 1 6 17
Dog 189 61 12 0 0
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Issue 1
Winter 2019
Volume 13
Camano Animal Shelter Association
198 Can Ku Road Camano Island, WA 98282
360-387-1902 www.camanoanimalshelter.org
Vol 13 Issue 1
Enclosed is my tax deductible gift of:
__ $25 __ $40 __ $100 __ $250 __ $500 Other $ _________
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ State: _______ Zip: ________
Telephone: _____________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________
__ Single Membership ($25) __ Family Membership ($40)
__ Business Membership ($100) (includes free decals)
__ My donation is in Memory/in Honor of a person or pet
(Please include a note with honorees name and
contact person if you want the gift acknowledged)
__ Please send my gift receipt via e-mail so more of my
contribution can go toward helping the animals
(Please provide e-mail address on the form to the left.)
__ I do not need a receipt for my donation.
__ My employer will match my gift. Enclosed is my
completed matching gift form.
__ I am interested in becoming a volunteer.
CASA does not share/sell donor information, and every dollar
you give makes a difference. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
animal welfare organization and no-kill shelter.
Federal Tax ID #91-1913293
CASA appreciates your generosity. All donations are tax-deductible to
the extent allowed by law. We will include you in future informative
email correspondence about the shelter. You may opt out at any time
and we never share your information.
Paws for Applause
Pictures with Santa Skagit Country Store and Santa Victor
Island Paw Prints Anne Crookston
(Santa and Dog Wash Photographs)
Ace Hardware Camano – Customer Round-up Donations
Lights of Love Tree – Marks Pharmacy
Heritage Bank CASA display for month of November
Skagit Country Store – Paws for a Cause
SCGives - Giving Tuesday – Total donations - $8.325
Amazon Smile and Amazon Wish List customers
Craig Corliss donating investment property in King County
Bequest from estate of Greg Steen
Pat Lacey Memorial
Tulalip Tribes Grant
Matching Gift Companies: Microsoft, Cambia Health, Boeing
Employee, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Costco
Bequest from Paul and Irene Leslie for Kennel refurbishment
Cris Hollander, Paul and Patricia Knoop, and Tegan Locker
for their roles in bringing the Kennel Project to fruition.
"The first time I laid eyes on you, In memory of departed pets:
I knew right from the start, Gracie Hyppa Taki Root
That you were meant for me alone: Lionel Perkins Raider McClinchy
You left paw prints on my heart." Reilly Hotter Parker Myers-Sheaffer
Is Your Dog Legal? Get Rover Licensed
Island County requires all dog
owners to license their dogs
every year. One time is not
enough, you must renew each
year; there are no exceptions.
Make your dog legal and the tag
helps identify your dog in case
he or she is lost.
2019 dog licenses are now on sale at the Shelter or at
the Camano Island Annex on NE Camano Drive. The
cost is $10 for spayed/neutered dogs and $33 for intact
Important: To obtain a license you must bring proof
of current Rabies vaccinations from your veterinarian.
To receive the discounted rate for altered (spayed/
neutered) dogs proof of spay/neuter from your
veterinarian is also required.
2019 License
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See Our Stories . . . . .
Camano Animal Shelter Association
PO Box 1726
Stanwood, WA 98292
Blizard is always overlooked. She
loves to be loved, but isn't a big fan of
having her head being touched. Blizard
will need a home where her new family
will let her settle in at her own pace.
Blizard has IBS and will need to eat
Earthbound holistic only. This is the only
food that will not upset her tummy. Please
keep this in mind if considering adoption.
Levi is a ball of sunshine and energy.
He recognizes basic commands and
loves being the center of attention. He
needs to be the only dog in the house.
Levi plays a little rough so would be best
in a home with older kids. Cuddling is his
main game so be ready for all the kisses
and loves you could want! He loves long
adventures. Levi is waiting for you.
Honey is a sweet girl but takes some
time to warm up. When in stressful
situations she gets scared and become
snappy. She will do best in adult only
home or with older respectful dog savvy
kids. She seems to do alright with cats
and other dogs. Honey is deaf and will
need to learn some hand signals.
When you shop Amazon, you can link
your account to CASA and we will
receive a donation from Amazon Smile.
No cost to shoppers.
Sign up at www.smile.amazon.com.
Our vehicle donation program is made
possible by Donate for Charity. When
you are ready to donate your car or boat,
you may call Donate For Charity toll-free
at (866) 392-4483 or donate online at
Goldie is a sweet older lady who enjoys
eating catnip, lounging by the window and
getting loves everywhere! Goldie has a sensitive
stomach and has been on Z/D food to help with
that. She has Cystitis which means she gets
blood in her urine when she is overly stressed.
We have it under control but it is something you
will have to keep an eye on for her entire life.
She also get hairballs and has been on Catlax to
help keep it under control. Come meet Goldie!