Richard J. Daley College
All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan
and Violence Prevention Plan
September 15, 2023
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Letter of Promulgation
This plan, which details Richard J. Daley College’s All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence
Prevention Plan is approved and adopted by City Colleges of Chicago, District No. 508.
This plan shall govern all emergency preparedness and planning, violence prevention policies,
procedures and outreach in accordance with applicable federal and state laws.
Juan Salgado
City Colleges of Chicago
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Page #
Letter of Promulgation
Table of Contents
2, 3
Record of Changes
Distribution List
Richard J Daley College
Planning Approach
Purpose of Plan
All Hazard Approach to Safety and Security Management
Assumptions in the Development of the All Hazard and Safety and Security Plan
Explanation of Terms
Objectives and Goals
Community Profile
Concept of Operations
11, 12
Line of Communications and Succession
Plan Development, Review and Maintenance
Levels of Emergency and Response
14, 15, 16
Emergency Plan Activation
Authorities and References
State of Illinois
Hazard Profile and Vulnerability Assessment
Richard J Daley College Facilities
Hazard Identification
Prevention and Mitigation Measures
Core Functional Annexes
Direction and Control
College Emergency Command Center (EOC)
College Campus Response Team
General Campus Response Team Responsibilities
Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
ECC Activation
21, 22
General ECC/EOC Responsibilities
ECC/EOC Staffing
23, 24
Emergency Public Information
25, 26
Special Populations
26, 27
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Health Emergency (COVID-19 Virus)
28, 29
Mass Care
Health and Medical Services
Mortuary Services
Resource Management
Campus Violence Prevention Plan
Members and Structures
1. Campus Violence Prevention Committee
31, 32
2. Supportive Intervention Team
3. Campus Response Team
32, 33
4. Project S.A.F.E. (Securing A Fear-Free Environment)
33, 34
Prohibited Conduct and Sanctions
34, 35
Related Policies, Statues and Laws
Integration of Policies
AHCEP and VPP Coordination with Outside Agencies
Campus Map
Incident Communications Matrix
AHCEP&VPP Training Matrix
Specific Emergency Protocols
Active Shooter
41, 42, 43
Disturbance or Demonstration
Violent or Criminal Behavior
Bomb Threat & Suspicious Items
Utility Failures
Spillage of Hazardous Chemicals
Biological & Chemical Threats
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Record of Changes
Date of
Change Entered By:
V.C. Wheeler
V.C. O’Donnell
V.C. O’Donnell
E.D. Fegan
E.D. Fegan
D.D. Estelle
E.D. Owens
DOSC Guerrero
09 -01-2023
DOSC Guerrero
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Distribution List of Complete Plans
Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
This plan is available electronically to all faculty, staff and students on the Daley College web site at:
In addition, copies have been distributed as indicated below:
College President
College Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs
College Vice President Finance & Operations
College Director of Security
Chief Engineer
Dean of Student Services
Dean of Instruction
Director of Wellness Center
Associate Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications
Director of Risk Management
Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services
Chief Financial Officer
Daley College
Richard J. Daley College is located on the Southwest side of Chicago. It has achieved significant
recognition for being a center of excellence in Manufacturing Technology. Daley College offers
associate’s degrees, advanced certificates, and basic certificates with course work that transfers to four-
year colleges and universities, as well as GED, ESL, and Continuing Education programs. Richard J. Daley
College has a satellite campus, the Arturo Velasquez Institute (AVI), which offers general education and
applied science courses.
The philosophy of Daley College, derived from the philosophy of the City Colleges of Chicago as defined
by the Illinois Master Plan for Higher Education and the Illinois Public Community College Act, is to
accept all eligible students and to provide them with an education appropriate to their needs, that will
allow them to achieve the kind of economic, cultural, and social life they desire.
Planning Approach
As part of the development of the Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan, the City Colleges
of Chicago engaged in a Security and Risk Assessment process. The objective of the Security and Risk
Assessment process is to assess the current state of preparedness for dealing with terrorist and criminal
threats, to identify gaps where activities fall short, and to propose measures to improve preparedness
and abilities to thwart harmful acts targeting their premises.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Purpose of the Plan
The purpose of the Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan is to describe the coordinated
response and recovery to a range of natural and man-made occurrences with the potential to disrupt
normal operations of the College and threaten the safety of Daley College students, faculty, and staff.
This plan contains four short and long-term strategies for implementing all hazards integrated
Identify opportunities for enhancing coordination and communication within the Daley
College system, with the CCC system at large, as well as with state/local agencies and
other industry partners.
Provide training, education, and outreach to enhance core competencies for safety,
security, and emergency preparedness throughout the College and assess the need for
integrated training.
Promote continuous improvement in safety, security, and emergency preparedness
throughout the Daley College system. Assess and target resources toward the most
frequent types of accidents and security incidents and the most catastrophic risks to
students, faculty and staff, and community members.
Develop and implement continuous improvement and innovation goals for the
management of existing and future programs and projects through data collection
and analysis and coordinated program reviews.
These strategies are grounded in the all hazards management approach to safety and security
throughout the CCC system. In this approach, programs, projects, and activities are not just related
but integrated. Integration means regular communication and coordination of common concerns,
strategies, and effective practices for all safety, security, and emergency management activities to
ensure that improvements in one area do not duplicate or diminish functionalities in another area.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
All Hazards Approach to Safety and Security Management
In addition to an integrated approach to planning, this All Hazards Plan is based on the framework of
the four interconnected phases of emergency management: prevention-mitigation, preparedness,
response, and recovery. Each phase influences the other three phases. This plan addresses
emergency preparedness activities that take place during all four phases of emergency management.
1. Mitigation
As part of the City Colleges of Chicago, Daley College will conduct mitigation activities as an integral
part of the emergency management program. Mitigation is intended to eliminate hazards, reduce
the probability of hazards causing an emergency situation, or lessen the consequences of
unavoidable hazards. Mitigation should be a pre-disaster activity, although mitigation may also occur
in the aftermath of an emergency situation with the intent of avoiding repetition of the situation.
2. Preparedness
Preparedness activities will be conducted to develop the response capabilities needed in the event of an
emergency. Preparedness is everyone’s responsibility. Daley College departments and offices must
develop plans and procedures to assist in the overall implementation and maintenance of emergency
plans. Among the preparedness activities included in the emergency management program are:
Providing emergency equipment and facilities
Emergency planning, including maintaining this plan, its annexes, and appropriate
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Conducting or arranging appropriate training for emergency responders, emergency
management personnel, other local officials, and volunteer groups who assist this
jurisdiction during emergencies
Conducting periodic drills and exercises to test emergency plans and training
3. Response
Daley College will respond to emergency situations effectively and efficiently. The focus of most of this
plan is on responding to emergencies. Response operations are intended to resolve a situation while
minimizing casualties and property damage. Response activities include warnings, emergency medical
services, firefighting, law enforcement operations, evacuation, shelter and mass care, Emergency Public
Information, search and rescue, as well as other associated functions.
4. Recovery
If a disaster occurs, City Colleges of Chicago will carry out a recovery program that involves both short-
term and long-term efforts. Daley College will be part of those efforts. Short-term operations seek to
restore vital services to the district community and provide for the basic needs of the public. Long-term
recovery focuses on restoring the district to its normal state. The federal government, pursuant to the
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, provides the vast majority of disaster
recovery assistance. The recovery process includes assistance to individuals, businesses, and
government and other public institutions. Examples of recovery programs include temporary housing,
restoration of district services, debris removal, restoration of utilities, disaster mental health services,
and reconstruction of damaged roads and facilities.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Assumptions in the Development of the All Hazards Safety and Security Plan
Emergency planning requires a commonly accepted set of assumed operational conditions that provide
a foundation for establishing protocols and procedures. It is standard practice to base planning on
potential worst-case conditions. For Daley College, severe weather hazards pose the most probable
threat of emergency conditions. Using this as a basis for planning, the following assumptions were
incorporated into this plan:
The majority of students, faculty and staff have cell phones that can be used for
emergency notification.
An emergency may occur at any time of the day or night, weekend or holiday, with
little or no warning.
Campus emergencies can be caused by an accident, a natural disaster, or criminal
behavior by an individual or group. This can include cyber threats to the college.
The succession of events in an emergency is not predictable. Therefore, this manual
will serve as a guide and may require modifications in order to meet the requirements
of the emergency.
Critical lifeline utilities may be interrupted, including water delivery, electrical power,
natural gas, telephone communications, microwave and repeater-based radio systems,
cellular telephones, and information systems.
Regional and local services may not be available.
Major roads, overpasses, bridges, rapid transit and commuter rail transit, and local
streets may be damaged.
Buildings and structures, including homes, may be damaged.
Structural damage may cause injuries and displacement of people.
Contact with families and households of the CCC community may be interrupted.
People may become stranded at the Colleges, and conditions may be unsafe to travel.
A disaster that affects Daley College will likely affect the district and the surrounding
community, including the city of Chicago and Cook County proper. Therefore, city,
county, and federal emergency services may not be available.
Daley College and CCC will not receive outside assistance in rapid damage assessment
and will need to conduct its own situation analysis and deployment of on-site resources
and management of emergency operations in the district while emergency conditions
Communication and exchange of information will be one of the highest priorities for
the Daley College Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
In the event of an emergency, communications between colleges and campuses may
be impaired or lost. Daley College will establish a designated emergency operations
center and emergency response plan.
If a major incident occurs on the Daley College campus the Chicago Police Department
or the Chicago Fire Department will upon arrival assume control of the situation.
Explanation of Terms
The Incident Command System: Defines the operating characteristics, management components, and
structure of emergency management organizations throughout the life cycle of an incident.
Multi-agency Coordination Systems: Defines the operating characteristics, management components,
and organizational structure of supporting entities.
Public Information System: Includes the processes, procedures, and systems for communicating timely
and accurate information to the public during emergency situations.
CCC Emergency Command Center: Certain incidents may require activation of the District’s Emergency
Command Center operations. This group of district officials will meet at a specified emergency
command center (ECC) designated by the Incident Commander and exercise command and control of
the incident. Several emergency operation centers (EOCs) may be established during an emergency.
These EOCs are special facilities that will allow campus officials to direct and coordinate necessary
resources and personnel.
Emergency Public Information: Information that is disseminated to the public via the news media
before, during, and/or after an emergency or disaster.
Hazardous Material (Hazmat): A substance in a quantity or form posing an unreasonable risk to health,
safety, and/or property when manufactured, stored, or transported. The substance, by its nature,
containment, and reactivity, has the capability for inflicting harm during an accidental occurrence.
Inter-local Agreements: Arrangements, including mutual aid agreements, between the City Colleges of
Chicago and governments or organizations, either public or private, for reciprocal aid and assistance
during emergency situations where the resources of a single jurisdiction or organization are insufficient
or inappropriate for the tasks that must be performed to control the situation.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP): Approved methods for accomplishing a task or set of tasks. SOPs
are typically prepared at the department or agency level.
Emergency Situation: As used in this plan, this term is intended to describe a range of situations, from a
minor emergency to a major disaster.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
The following is a representative list of acronyms for titles, organizations, functions, teams, committees,
and materials that may be encountered during an incident or in responding to an incident at Daley
AHCEP&VPP: All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
BEM: Building Emergency Manager
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
AVC/DDC: Associate Vice Chancellor of Communications/District Director of Communications
ECC: Emergency Command Center
EOC: Emergency Operations Center
FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Administration
GC: General Counsel
Hazmat: Hazardous Material
IC: Incident Commander
NIMS: National Incident Management System
OEMC: Office of Emergency Management and Communications
PIO: Public Information Officer
SIT: Supportive Intervention Team
SOPs: Standard Operating Procedures
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Objectives and Goals
The goals of the Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan are as follows:
To provide maximum safety and protection for students, visitors, faculty, and staff.
To ensure that all individuals requiring medical attention in an emergency situation are
attended to promptly and efficiently.
To provide a chain of command to enable maximum use of resources, both within the
Daley College system and with district, community, and jurisdictional partners.
To maintain or restore essential services as quickly as possible following an
emergency incident or disaster.
To protect property, facilities, and equipment.
Community Profile
A number of local and regional authorities, community partners, and first responders help to make up
the Daley College emergency response team. These include CCC district officials and staff, the Chicago
Office of Emergency Management and Communications, the Chicago Police Department, the Chicago
Fire Department, and local hospitals.
Concept of Operations
The Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan is designed to provide a framework and guidance
for coordinated response to minor emergencies, major emergencies, and disasters. This plan does not
replace the procedures for safety, hazardous material response, or other emergency measures already
established at the College. Instead, it supplements these existing procedures with a temporary crisis
management structure, which provides for an immediate focus on response operations and an early
transition to recovery operations.
The Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan is an “all-hazards document. In other words, it
contains concepts, policies, and procedures that apply regardless of the nature or origin of an
emergency or disaster, and it is not designed to address unique conditions that result from a particular
hazard or event. The plan does, however, provide a framework within which emergency operations staff
and other relevant department and agency personnel work together.
Because this plan is designed as a flexible management system, part or all of it may be activated as
appropriate to a situation. Although it is based on a worst-case scenario and provides for the critical
functions and roles of Daley College during disaster response, its general procedures for the
management of information, activities, and operations can be applied as needed during any level of
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
The planning in this manual is based on the Incident Command System, a management structure
adopted throughout the U.S. and international communities. It also stems from the National Incident
Management System and various U.S. Department of Homeland Security Presidential Decision
Directives. Accordingly, this plan’s approach to emergency management is rooted in a four-phase
structure: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Each of the phases contains a critical
district or college procedure for emergencies. This provides for a smooth transition to restoring normal
services and implementing recovery programs.
The City Colleges of Chicago has established an incident command system. In an emergency, the CCC
would initiate the incident command system. The CCC incident command system is consistent with
National Incident Management System requirements. The CCC incident command system is composed
of the Incident Command, command staff, and general staff as shown below.
Incident Commander
President of College
(For incidents involving more than one campus)
Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services
Safety Officer
Director of Security
Assistant Director of Security
Associate Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications (PIO)
District Director of Communications
Liaison Officer
Director of Risk Management
Chief Operations Officer
Vice Chancellor of
Administrative Services
Vice Chancellor of
Administrative Services
Director of Facilities
Finance & Administration
Chief Financial Officer
Executive Director of Business
In an emergency, Daley College staff will participate in the CCC District incident command system as
directed and appropriate, in alignment with the Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan. In
the event of an emergency, the Daley College internal incident command system will become
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Line of Communication and Succession
For emergencies requiring localized response within the Daley College system itself, staff members will
follow NIMS Incident Command protocol. The Daley College Incident Commander is in charge of the
response and staff report to the Incident Commander for the duration of the response. The Incident
Commander will be the Director of Safety and Security when the incident only impacts the Daley
College campus. For incidents involving more than one campus in the CCC system or the scope of the
emergency is such that additional external resources are required, the Vice Chancellor of
Administrative Services will be the Incident Commander.
When incidents require first responders, a unified command structure led by the first responders will be
in place. When first responders become involved, the CCC Incident Commander will transfer command
to the Unified Command. When the incident response is concluded, command will be transferred back
to the CCC Incident Commander, who depending on the nature of the incident and response, may or
may not transfer command to the Daley College Incident Commander.
The line of succession for Daley College is as follows:
Vice President
Dean of Student Services
The line of succession for the Daley College Director of Security is as follows:
Assistant Director of Security
Lead Security Officer on Duty
The lines of succession for each department will be in accordance with the SOPs established by those
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Plan Development, Review, and Maintenance
The Daley College All Campus Emergency Plan will be reviewed annually and revised as appropriate and
necessary. The Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services is responsible for plan changes, updates, and
revisions and will ensure that plan changes are communicated and distributed appropriately.
Interim revisions will be made when one of the following occurs:
A change in a college site or facility configuration that materially alters the information
contained in the plan or materially affects implementation of the plan.
A material change in response resources.
An incident occurs that requires a review.
Internal assessments, third party reviews, or experience in drills or actual responses
identify significant changes that should be made in the plan.
New laws, regulations, or internal policies are implemented that affect the contents or
the implementation of the plan or other changes deemed significant.
Levels of Emergency and Response
The City Colleges of Chicago defines and classifies emergencies using a three-level system. Each
classification or level of emergency has a corresponding level of response, according to increasing
severity. The severity of an incident will be identified by the incident commander (IC) or the first
qualified individual to arrive at the scene of the incident. The severity level of the incident may increase
or decrease during response activities, requiring the level of response to be adjusted. The severity of an
incident is determined by the threat to the safety of the college or campus community and property, as
well as the ability of the CCC to handle the incident.
Level 1 Emergency: A minor emergency situation that is limited in scope and potential
effects, which involve:
A limited area and/or limited population.
An evacuation or in-place sheltering, typically limited to the immediate area of
the incident.
The provision of warnings and public instructions in the immediate area, not
Incident management by one or two local response agencies or departments
acting under the IC, with requests for resource support being handled through
agency and/or departmental channels and limited external assistance from
other local response agencies or contractors.
Level 1 Response: Level 1 incidents/events are the least severe of the three levels of
emergencies. Normal district response services will be able to deal with the
incident/emergency without activation of an EOC. The incident may result in minor
injury to members of a college or campus community and minor damage to district
facilities, and will affect a single localized area of a campus.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Level 2 Emergency: A major emergency situation that is larger in scope and more
severe in terms of actual or potential effects than a Level 1 Emergency.
Characteristics of a Level 2 Emergency include:
A large area, significant population, or important facilities.
The implementation of large-scale evacuation or in-place sheltering, and
implementation of temporary shelter and mass care operations.
District-wide warning and public instructions.
A multi-agency response operating under the IC.
External assistance from other local response agencies, contractors, and
limited assistance from state or federal agencies.
Activation of the ECC and one of the EOCs to provide general guidance and
direction, coordinate external support, and provide resource support for the
Level 2 Response: Level 2 incidents/events require activation of one or more EOCs,
with the possibility of activating the ECC. Coordination between several district
departments will be required for an effective response to the incident. The incident
may result in major damage to district facilities or severe injury to members of the
campus community. A Level 2 incident may affect one or more areas of the district
Level 3 Emergency: A disaster involving the occurrence or threat of significant
casualties and/or widespread property damage that is beyond the capability of the
district and local government to handle with its organic resources. A Level 3 Emergency
A large area, sizable population, and/or important facilities.
The implementation of large-scale evacuation or in-place sheltering, and
implementation of temporary shelter and mass care operations.
Community-wide warning and public instructions.
Response by multiple local response agencies operating under one or more
Significant external assistance from other local response agencies, contractors,
and extensive state or federal assistance.
Activation of the ECC and EOCs to provide general guidance and direction,
provide emergency information to the public, coordinate state and federal
support, and coordinate resource support for emergency operations.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Level 3 Response: Level 3 incidents/events are those in which disaster conditions are
present. Response will require activation of numerous EOCs and activation of the ECC.
A Level 3 incident may result in major damage to several district facilities, mass
casualties, and severe injury to members of the CCC community. The incident will not
be localized to a single area and may affect the entire district. The district may need to
request assistance from several external support teams at the local, state, and federal
level in order to properly respond to the incident.
Emergency Plan Activation
An emergency is an unplanned event or incident that can shut down operations and cause physical or
environmental damage, cause significant injury or death to employees, students, visitors, or the public,
or threaten Daley College’s public image. Emergency management is the process of preparing for,
mitigating, responding to, and recovering from an emergency. The All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan
is the cornerstone of this process and provides for a coordinated response and a clear line of command.
The following will trigger implementation of this emergency operations plan:
Notification of a campus emergency to the President, senior staff, and/or other appropriate
individuals by the Director of Security or designee.
Notification of a campus emergency by a reliable source of information.
A routine outage response that escalates and is deemed major by the Engineering Department.
Severe weather-related problems that threaten campus operations.
A major crisis, either man-made or natural.
Should an emergency occur requiring the activation of this emergency plan, an Emergency Operations
Center (EOC) may need to be established. The President of Daley College or designee will establish the
EOC and assume the role of Incident Commander (IC). Should the emergency require the
implementation of an Emergency Command Center, the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services or
designee will establish the ECC and assume the role of IC.
Communication concerning the activation of the emergency plan, the establishment of the EOC or ECC,
and pertinent ongoing messages concerning the emergency will be sent through the CCC Alert system to
inform employees, students, and visitors in the affected areas. The communication will include
instructions for action. Emergency notifications are prepared and maintained by the Director of
Communications to facilitate prompt and thorough communication.
Should the incident affect telephone and computer systems, communication will take place through the
Security personnel and Floor Leaders in the affected area via verbal communication, bullhorns and
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Authorities and References
The following laws and other source documents establish the legal basis for the all-hazards emergency
responsibilities for the City Colleges of Chicago.
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief & Emergency Assistance Act (as amended), 42 USC§ 5121
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, 42 USC, Sections 11001-110050
Emergency Management and Assistance, 44 CFR
Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response, 29 CFR 1910.120
Homeland Security Act 2002
Homeland Security Presidential Directive, HSPD-5, Management of Domestic Incidents
Homeland Security Presidential Directive, HSPD-3, Homeland Security Advisory System
National Incident Management System (NIMS), FEMA
National Response Framework (NRF), FEMA
National Strategy for Homeland Security, October 2007, Homeland Security
Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex (NRIA) of the National Response Plan, FEMA
Higher Education Opportunity Act 2008 (Public Law 110-315)
Dear Colleague Letter on Campus Sexual Misconduct, (2017) US Department of Education Title IX
State of Illinois
Campus Security Enhancement Act 2008 (110 ILCS 12/1)
Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, 20 ILCS 5/3305
Illinois Administrative Code Title 29, as amended
IEMA Administrative Rule on Local Emergency Operations Plans
Good Samaritan Act, 745 ILCS Chapter 49
Illinois Compiled Statutes Act Chapters:
225 ILCS 60/30, Medical Practice Act
225 ILCS 65/50-1, Nurse Practice Act
210 ILCS 50, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Act
745 ILCS 275, Illinois Emergency Interim Executive Succession Act
Chicago Office of Emergency Management and Communications
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Federal Response Plan (FRP), April 1992- Medical and Public Health
Illinois Plan for Radiological Accidents (IPRA), 1995
Illinois Plan for Radiological Accidents Clinton
FEMA SLG 101, "State and Local Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning"
National Response Team (NRT) 1 and 1A, 1988
Illinois Hazard Analysis
P&K-8, "Shelter Management Handbook", FEMA
TR-87, "Standards for Fallout Shelters”, FEMA
Guide for the Design and Development of a Local Radiological Defense Support System
FEMA 10, A Planning Guide and Checklist for Hazardous Materials Contingency Plans
Handbook of Chemical Hazard Analysis Procedures, FEMA
Illinois Emergency Operations Plan (IEOP)
Action Guide for Emergency Management at Institutions of Higher Education, 2010, FEMA
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Hazard Profile and Vulnerability Assessment
Daley College Facilities
The Richard J. Daley College campus consists of a main campus building, a new Manufacturing Tech
building and seven modular buildings that provide additional classroom space. Daley College is an open
environment for students and the public. The campus participates in a number of community-focused
activities that bring large numbers of non-students to the campus on a regular basis.
Hazard Identification
As part of the Security and Risk Assessment Process, Daley College continually identifies potential
hazards that may pose a threat to the students, faculty, staff, and visitors of the College. These potential
hazards have been identified through a process of survey and information gathering as well as on-site
observation and analysis.
Preventive and Mitigation Measures
As part of the district Security and Risk Assessment process, the College and the CCC system staff will
identify preventive and mitigation measures deemed necessary to reduce the possibility of threat on the
Daley College campus. In addition, following any crisis, Daley College and CCC will evaluate the incident
and response to determine if additional preventive and mitigation measures need to be implemented.
Daley College could be affected by natural and man-made hazards which include: tornados and other
severe weather, fires, hazardous materials spill, campus violence, contagious diseases, and acts of
terrorism. The following table details the risk analysis:
Hazard Type
Severe storm
Bomb Threat or Explosion
Utility failure
Hazardous materials spill
Violence on campus
Health Emergency
Structural collapse
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Core Functional Annexes
Direction and Control
Every Daley College student, faculty and staff member plays a role in a campus emergency. All students,
faculty and staff are expected to be familiar with emergency procedures required by the All Hazards
Campus Emergency Plan. This will be accomplished through training and exercises as mandated by the
Campus Safety Enhancement Act.
City Colleges of Chicago maintains the district Emergency Command Center (ECC) and campus Emergency
Operations Centers (EOCs). During district-wide emergencies, the ECC serves as the command center for
the CCC’s response and recovery operations. A variety of communications tools are employed by the ECC
and EOCs to aid in the receipt and release of vital information. The ECC/ EOC bring together decision
makers to coordinate the flow of information and strategy development. A variety of organizations and
government agencies may be represented during an ECC or EOC activation, depending on the type and
severity of emergency.
Campus emergencies are typically reported to Campus Safety and Security first. This could be through
the Chicago Office of Emergency Management and Communications, on-campus emergency phones,
local phones, weather radios, weather sirens, or other means. The Safety and Security staff on duty will
contact the Director of Safety and Security or designee immediately when the reported incident is
expected to have campus-wide impact or involve many resources or multiple hours of time to mitigate.
When the director designee determines that the incident falls into the category of major emergency as
defined in the All Hazards Safety and Security Plan, he or she will immediately contact members of the
Campus Response Team. If the director or designee determines that the threat to the campus is
imminent, any one member of the Campus Response Team thus contacted has the authority to
activate this plan.
The college’s emergency facilities involve the following aspects:
1. The Daley College Emergency Command Center
The EOC will be located at the Security Desk in the first floor lobby.
2. The Daley College Campus Response Team
The following may be members of the Daley College Campus Response Team:
College President
Vice President of Academic Affairs
College Director of Security
Chief Engineer
Vice President Operations and Finance
Dean of Student Development Services
Dean of Instruction
Director of Wellness Center
Associate Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
3. General Campus Response Team Responsibilities
The team will assess the nature and severity of the threat and develop an appropriate plan of
response. Team members will be assigned specific responsibilities related to the plan of
response. The response plan may include, at a minimum, description of the identified warning
signs, establishment of a potential threat risk level, additional investigation as necessary, provision
of support services if appropriate, case preparation for hearings as appropriate, and dissemination
of warning information.
The chairperson will oversee the implementation and completion of the action plan and
will communicate team progress to committee members and others as needed.
The team will conduct a final review and evaluation of each case, with follow-up
assignments to monitor the progress of the case as appropriate.
The chairperson will be responsible for overseeing the preparation and proper
maintenance of case records. Case records will be maintained as follows:
For students, in the Office of the Dean of Student Development Services.
For faculty, in the Office of Instruction.
For staff and members of the public, in the Office of Human Resources.
4. Emergency Operations Center
Upon the occurrence of an incident, an incident command post, referred to in this plan as an
Emergency Operations Center (EOC), will be established in the vicinity of the incident site(s). The
IC will be responsible for directing the emergency response and managing the resources at the
incident scene. The IC will also determine if any other EOCs need to be established.
5. ECC Activation
The following individuals are authorized to activate the ECC:
The Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services or the President of Daley College
or designee.
The President or designee will serve as the Incident Commander (IC) until relieved by the Vice
Chancellor of Administrative Services. The IC is responsible for determining, prioritizing, and
coordinating all response actions and providing emergency information and communications to
CCC district staff and the campus community as appropriate. The IC will utilize appropriate and
applicable communications methods as outlined in the Communications Annex of this
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
The Vice President of Operations and Finance of Daley College or designee will
implement the response actions and will work with the Director of Security to alert and
direct the Building Emergency Managers.
The Building Emergency Managers will direct faculty, staff, and students during an
emergency response, including an evacuation, shelter-in-place, or lockdown. The BEMs
will report status and activities to the Director of Security during an emergency response.
The Director of Security will provide direction, assistance, and communication to BEMs
during an emergency response. The Director of Security will also assist first responders,
should they be involved in the emergency response.
The Chief Engineer, Vice President of Operations and Finance, and Dean of Student
Development Services will provide information about available resources and incident
status, as well as assist in developing strategies for response.
The IC will utilize the CCC Alert system to inform students, faculty, and staff in an affected area
about the emergency situation and the response, including instructions for action. The Associate
Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications maintains prepared emergency notifications to
help facilitate prompt and effective communication during an emergency response.
In the event that telephone and communications systems are down, communication will take
place through the BEMs. Contact will be made with those in the affected area through radio and
verbal communication.
6. General ECC/EOC Responsibilities
The general responsibilities of all ECC/EOCs are to:
Assemble accurate information on the emergency situation and current resource data
to allow local officials to make informed decisions on courses of action.
Determine and prioritize required response actions and coordinate their
implementation, working with representatives of emergency services.
Provide resource support for emergency operations.
Suspend or curtail services, or recommend the closure of schools and the cancellation of
public events.
Organize and activate large-scale evacuation and mass care operations.
Provide emergency information to CCC district staff.
7. ECC/EOC Staffing
Representatives of those departments and agencies assigned emergency functions in the Daley
College Emergency Response Manual will staff the ECC and appropriate EOCs.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Rapid and timely communication of information to the CCC District Office during emergency situations is
critical. In addition, accurate and timely communication of information to incident response personnel is
required for adequate response to emergency incidents. City Colleges of Chicago utilizes several means
of communication in managing varying levels of incidents. The CCC Alert system is the primary means of
communication to all members of the CCC community in the event of an emergency. This system can be
activated by the Associate Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications at the CCC District Office or by
the following Daley College officials: The President, Vice President of Operations and Finance, Dean of
Student Development Services, or Director of Security.
Through CCC Alert, students, faculty, and staff can receive emergency alerts via email to CCC and
personal e-mail accounts, phone calls to mobile and home phone numbers, and text messages to mobile
phone numbers. The CCC Alert system will be tested for proper functionality monthly in accordance
with the Office of Safety and Security. It is the responsibility of each member of district colleges and
departments involved in emergency management to be familiar with these means of communication.
Individuals must also ensure that their personal contact information and the contact information of
their subordinates is up to date and accurate in order for proper communication. Discrepancies in
contact information will be addressed as soon as possible.
Public Address System
Speakers are located on every floor and outside in front of the Daley College campus in order to alert
students, faculty, staff, and visitors on College grounds of an emergency. Both warning tones and voice
messages will be used to direct students, faculty, staff, and visitors to take planned actions specific for
the emergency.
College Group E-mail
As part of the CCC Emergency Alert System, mass e-mails will be used to provide students, faculty, and
staff with information regarding potential threats to the safety and security of the campus community.
E-mails will also be used as a way to notify students, faculty, and staff of emergency situations and keep
them updated on the situation. The district employs the following types of e-mails:
Informational: Any communication that increases the awareness of campus activities,
events, or services (e.g., parking disruptions).
Operational: Communication that requires some action on the recipient’s part or a
required notification by the district (e.g., a message about benefits eligible
Official: A non-urgent communication from an executive officer (e.g., a message from
the chancellor).
Urgent: An urgent announcement from an executive officer regarding an imminent
event, such as the school closing.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Local Media
City Colleges of Chicago sends press releases and makes calls to contacts on a local media list. Because
of the transient nature of our population, the district also leverages the media to notify students,
faculty, and staff of emergencies before or during their commutes.
Text Messaging
CCC emergency officials have the ability to disseminate important information via text message directly
to the cell phones of users subscribed to the service. This provides emergency officials with another
option to communicate with Daley College faculty, staff, and students during a crisis.
Voicemail to Office, Home, and Mobile Telephones
This tool leaves a voice message on every faculty and staff member’s office phone on campus as well as
voice messages to home and mobile phone numbers as provided through CCC Alert.
Telephone Tree
Certain Daley College offices implement a telephone tree of departmental contacts that is initiated
during an emergency.
Primary responsibility for these functions is assigned to the campus emergency communications center
as supervised by the Director of Security and/or the Associate Vice Chancellor of Strategic
Communications or designee. Emergency tasks to be performed include the following:
Receive information on emergency situations.
Alert key district officials of emergency situations.
Disseminate warning information and instructions to the district through available
warning systems.
Disseminate warnings and instructions to special facilities.
Provide updates to the campus community as directed.
In the event of an incident or emergency, the Director of Security at Daley College or designee is
responsible for notifying CCC district staff so that warnings can be communicated throughout the CCC
system as appropriate. The Director of Security or designee announces campus emergency warnings and
evacuations via the campus public address system.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Emergency Public Information
Primary responsibility for these functions is assigned to the Associate Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications
who will prepare and maintain the Communications Annex of this plan and supporting SOPs. Emergency tasks to
be performed include the following:
Identify the external communications systems available within the local area and determine the
connectivity of these systems.
Develop plans and procedures for coordinated use of the various communications systems
available outside and within the district.
Determine and implement means of augmenting communications during emergencies, including
support by volunteer organizations.
Primary responsibility for these functions is assigned to the campus Director of Security, who will maintain the
College and Campus Emergency Plans and supporting SOPs. Emergency tasks to be performed include the
Building Emergency Manager (BEM) Responsibilities: The Daley College Director of Security will
serve as the Building Emergency Manager, and alternate managers should be assigned to
perform BEM functions when the primary manager is not available. The BEM is responsible for
the following planning activities:
Developing an evacuation plan for her/his building.
Assigning personnel to perform various evacuation functions.
Maintaining a written copy of the evacuation plan.
Training building occupants in the evacuation plan.
Conducting periodic evacuation drills.
Revising the evacuation plan as necessary.
Assigning and training floor leaders (FL).
Assigning and training sector coordinators (SC) when necessary.
Staff Responsibilities: Upon activation of the building alarm, designated staff members are
responsible for ensuring that occupants with special evacuation needs are aware of the alarm
condition and respond to their designated staging area. The floor or department leader is
responsible for assigning personnel to perform this function.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Evacuation Functions: Primary responsibility for these functions is assigned to the campus Director
of Security who will prepare and maintain the Evacuation plan and supporting SOPs. To ensure safe
evacuation during a high-level emergency or disaster, the campus Director of Security shall:
Identify areas where evacuation has already taken place or where it is necessary, and
determine at-risk population.
Perform evacuation planning for known risk areas, including route selection and
determination of traffic control requirements.
Develop simplified planning procedures for ad hoc evacuations.
Determine emergency public information requirements, coordinated with District
Communications Director.
Special Populations
Students, Faculty and Staff with Disabilities
Students, faculty, and staff with disabilities who need assistance exiting the building are asked to provide a
copy of their schedule and/or office location to the Director of the Access Center. The Access Center
provides a list of locations of people with disabilities to the Daley College Safety and Security Office.
Faculty and staff are to ensure that people with disabilities are being assisted during an emergency or
evacuation. The Director of Security, or designee, will ensure disabled members of the campus community
are familiar with emergency procedures.
A. Purpose: Implemented whenever it is safer inside than outside the building, such as in the case of
outdoor fire, explosion, hazardous material spill/emission, or severe weather, and an evacuation or
dismissal would place students and staff at risk.
B. Alarm: A “Shelter in Place” order is issued via the public address (PA) system, telephones, CCC Alert,
email, radio or in person.
All occupants -- students, teachers, staff, contractors and visitors in the building must proceed
to interior Safe Locations.
Staff and students who are outdoors, MUST RETURN TO THE BUILDING and proceed to the
interior Safe Locations.
The Interior Safe Locations will be the hallways, classrooms, and offices, which are not exposed
to exterior windows or doorways.
The Building’s Elevator CANNOT BE USED during an Emergency.
All Occupants will be notified when it is safe to return to normal activities by the public address
(PA) system and/or CCC Alert system.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
A. Purpose: A “lockdown” is a temporary sheltering technique utilized to limit civilian exposure to imminent
threat of violence. A lockdown will be made only if there is a serious risk of danger to staff, faculty and
students. The general purpose of a lockdown is to convert a building into a large “Safe Room.” The decision to
initiate building lockdown procedures may be at the discretion of a designated college official or in response to
a request by local law enforcement officials.
B. Alarm: A Lockdown order is issued via the public address (PA) system, telephones, CCC Alert, email,
radio or in person.
C. Expectations
All occupants - students, teachers, staff, contractors and visitors in the building(s) where
emergency conditions exist must remain inside their respective classroom or
Staff and students- who are outdoors, must remain outside of the building(s) and proceed
to the designated alternative safe location.
Staff and students who are not inside a classroom or office where the emergency
exists, must proceed immediately to the nearest classroom or office.
All educators and staff lock or block the doors and windows of your respective
classroom or
D. Responsibilities of Safety and Security
In the event of a situation requiring the initiation of building lockdown procedures Safety and Security
personnel will perform the following tasks to the extent possible:
Declare and initiate the lockdown.
Activate appropriate emergency notification systems.
Immediately respond to the scene.
Contact and coordinate with the Chicago Police Department.
Provide security for the scene, lock and secure perimeter building doors with assistance from
facility staff as needed.
Attempt to discourage building occupants from exiting the building.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Health Emergency
The City Colleges of Chicago has formulated a Health Emergency Response Plan to address the multiple
levels of public safety and college operations should a health emergency occur. The primary concern
of this plan is the health and welfare of the entire CCC community. This plan provides general and specific
guidelines that will inform the college’s response to a health emergency. This plan summarizes key
considerations provided by numerous governmental, medical and emergency response agencies including
the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The City Colleges of Chicago will promote the daily practice of everyday preventive actions at all times and
will use messages and materials developed by credible public health sources, such as the CDPH or CDC. Public
Health officials recommend everyone who is able to be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus and get an annual
flu shot.
Other important public health recommendations include:
Stay home when you are sick.
If you have been directed to quarantine by anyone, including a public health official, or your
physician, stay home. Do not come to campus until you have met the return guidelines provided to
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
The City Colleges will implement officially recommended public health measures as appropriate to limit the
spread of illness and remove obstacles to students, faculty, staff and employee compliance with these
recommendations, whenever possible. City Colleges encourages all faculty, staff, and students to get
vaccinated and will share information on vaccination opportunities when they arise. Individuals may also
choose to wear a face mask at any time at CCC. City Colleges’ mask requirements will continue to depend
on the current ‘COVID-19 Risk Level’ as determined by the Chicago Department of Public Health. CCC will
inform students, faculty, and staff of any changes in the city’s ‘Risk Level’ and any associated masking
requirements via email, as well as with signage through CCC facilities.
In the event a student, employee, visitor or staff member states they actually have the related illness, he or
she will be informed to return home, seek immediate medical attention, and follow any subsequent guidelines
provided by their medical provider. If the person is unable to physically return home, the Chicago Fire
Department (CFD) will be called to assist. The person would then be escorted into isolation into Room 1110d1
until the arrival of CFD. The purpose of the isolation and location of the isolation room is to limit the amount
of potential exposure to other individuals. The isolation room will be cleaned and disinfected following use
for this purpose.
The Chancellor, in collaboration with the Provost, Vice Chancellor of Human Resources, and local and state
public health officials will:
Develop ways for instruction to continue in-person and/or remotely due to a health emergency,
wherever possible.
Suspend face to face or in-person teaching activities and/or other mass gatherings when deemed
necessary in accordance with public health guidance.
In some extreme instances, it may be necessary to close the affected campus temporarily, if directed to
do so by the CDPH.
Develop employee attendance and sick leave policies, identify critical job functions and positions, and
plan for alternative coverage, if necessary.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
It is the responsibility of the Marketing and Communications Department and Safety and Security to identify
and respond to health emergency concerns and issues promptly to communicate proactively, openly,
accurately and consistently with the City Colleges multiple audiences.
Marketing and Communications will:
Along with the Chancellor’s Office, Provost, Student Services, and Safety and Security, deliver public
health messages to City Colleges students, faculty and staff.
Follow the lead of the Chicago Public Health Department and communicate as needed to inform City
Colleges students, faculty, and staff of the health emergency and maintain consistent and up-to-date
Mass Care
Primary responsibility for these functions is assigned to the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services or designee,
who will coordinate efforts with internal and external partners. Emergency tasks to be performed include the
Performing emergency shelter and mass care planning.
Coordinating and conducting shelter and mass care operations with other departments, relief agencies,
and volunteer groups.
Health and Medical Services
The purpose of Health and Medical Services is to manage, direct and control the provision of medical and
counseling services in the event of a major campus emergency.
In the event of a major campus emergency, the college Wellness Center and Student Affairs shall assume primary
control for the purpose of making medical care and crisis counseling services available to students and Human
Resources will be responsible for staff and members of the Daley College community.
Upon the declaration of a major emergency, the President or the Incident Commander may assign an employee of
Student Affairs and Human Resources to report to the EOC. Safety and Security officers will assist arriving first
responders for the aid of seriously injured or suddenly ill students and staff members to be transported to the
nearest hospital by the Chicago Fire Department.
In addition, the College will coordinate with local authorities and emergency medical providers and follow their
directives as to the provision of essential medical care and sanitation services.
Mortuary Services
The purpose of the Mortuary Services is to assist families of Daley College students and employees in the event of a major
campus emergency resulting in casualties.
In the event that mortuary services are necessary, Safety and Security, Administrative Services and Student Affairs will
coordinate with local authorities, including but not limited to the Chicago Police Department, Chicago Fire Department
and Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Resource Management
Primary responsibility for these functions is assigned to the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services. Emergency
tasks to be performed include the following:
Maintaining an inventory of emergency resources.
Locating supplies, equipment, and personnel to meet specific needs during emergency operations.
Maintaining a list of suppliers for supplies and equipment needed immediately in the aftermath of an emergency.
Establishing emergency purchasing procedures and coordinating emergency procurements.
Establishing and maintaining a personnel reserve, and coordinating assignment of reserve personnel to
departments and agencies that require augmentation.
Coordinating transportation, sorting, temporary storage, and distribution of resources during emergency
Establishing staging areas for resources, if required.
Identifying to the designee, appointed by the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, those goods, services,
and personnel that are needed during emergency operations.
Maintaining records of emergency-related expenditures for purchases and personnel.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Campus Violence Prevention Plan
Daley College is committed to a safe, secure, non-violent environment for all
students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This plan represents the college’s policy on the
prevention and reduction of violence. The Daley College Violence Prevention Plan
(VPP) is based on principles of early intervention and engagement to prevent
In order to help ensure a safe, secure, non-violent environment, Daley College has developed a
comprehensive Campus Violence Prevention Plan. In developing the plan, Daley College followed the
policies, guidelines, and statutes listed below.
Members and Structure
In order to help ensure a safe, secure, non-violent environment, Daley College has developed a
comprehensive Campus Violence Prevention Plan.
1. Campus Violence Prevention Committee
The Campus Violence Prevention Committee serves as a resource to provide support, assistance,
research, and policy review in regard to violence prevention on campus. As a part of this plan,
the Campus Violence Prevention Committee shall be responsible for the following:
Incorporating violence prevention strategies into related policies and/or procedures.
Encouraging zero tolerance policy statements that reaffirm violence prevention strategies.
Integrating existing campus programs and policies that deal with associated issues (e.g.,
workplace violence, suicide prevention, anti-bullying, stigma reduction, sexual assault
Evaluating physical facilities and grounds and making recommendations to improve safety
and further the goal of violence prevention.
The committee shall develop strategies toward the prevention of violence on campus, which
may include but not be limited to determining methods of communication and education of the
college community with regard to violence prevention, safety measures, and environmental
security enhancement of college and district property.
The Daley College Violence Prevention Committee Members may include representatives from
the following departments:
Safety and Security
Student Affairs
Dean of Student Development Services
Wellness Center
Human Resources
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Information Technology Services
Faculty Council
Student Representative
2. Supportive Intervention Team
Daley College SIT conducts behavioral threat assessments for persons who might pose a safety
risk to themselves or others. Each college's SIT is a collaboration among key college departments
and engages the college's resources to:
Investigate concerning behavior and assess the level of threat.
Develop and implement an intervention plan for the safety of all.
Identify sources of support for the person of concern
Provide ongoing support and monitoring
The following individuals may be members of the Daley College Supportive Intervention Team:
College President
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Vice President of Operations and Finance
College Director of Security
Director of Human Resources
Director of Wellness Center
Dean of Student Development Services
Dean of Academic Instruction
Dean of Adult Education
3. Campus Response Team
The Campus Response Team at Daley College is chaired by the College President. Members of
the team are appointed by the College President. The Campus Response Team provides
response and coordinates support services in the event of a crisis or emergency. The Campus
Response Team will meet once a semester or whenever appropriate to review issues related to
crisis or emergency response.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
The Daley College Campus Response Team is responsible for the following:
The committee will assess the nature and severity of the threat and develop an
appropriate plan of response. Committee members will be assigned specific
responsibilities related to the plan of response. The response plan may include, at a
minimum, description of the identified warning signs, establishment of a potential
t h r e a t risk level, additional investigation as necessary, provision of support services if
appropriate, case preparation for hearings as appropriate, and dissemination of warning
The chairperson will oversee the implementation and completion of the action plan
and will communicate progress to committee members and others as needed.
The committee will conduct a final review and evaluation of each case, with follow-up
assignments to monitor the progress of the case as appropriate.
The members of the Daley College Campus Response Team may include the following:
College President
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Vice President of Operations and Finance
College Director of Security
Chief Engineer
Dean of Student Development Services
Dean of Academic Instructions
Associate Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications or designee
Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services or designee
4. Project S.A.F.E. (Securing A Fear-Free Environment)
The Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, funds Project S.A.F.E. Project S.A.F.E.
is a district wide initiative across the City Colleges of Chicago whose mission is to collaboratively
develop and implement meaningful, engaging programs to prevent and address gender-based
violence. Project S.A.F.E. aims to promote equity in education by reducing barriers to educational
access for those affected by gender-based violence by centering survivor safety, empowerment, and
healing through a compassionate and intersectional approach.
Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT)
The CCRT meets monthly and contains more than 95 members from all seven City College
campuses and satellite campuses. Each campus also has a local CCRT which meets regularly.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
The CCRT includes all City Colleges’ Wellness Center Directors, Security Directors, Student
Activities Directors, Deans of Student Services, numerous counselors, ACCESS Directors,
faculty, student peer educators, and Deans of Instruction.
Operates as an inter-college task force that seeks to breakdown silos and improve
coordination on the prevention and response to gender-based violence.
Establishes priorities on enhancing gender-based violence prevention, policy, and advocacy
Engages in several external stake holders and community-based organizations including the
Chicago Police Department Office of Community Policing, Resilience (f/k/a Rape Victim
Advocates), the Network, KAN-WIN, Apna Ghar, the YMCA and Mujeres Latinas en Accion.
Chicagoland Advocacy and Prevention Consortium (CAPC)
Staff from Project S.A.F.E. meets with CAPC monthly to discuss best practices on
comprehensive prevention, survivor advocacy, and campus safety.
Chicago Mayor’s Office Advisory Council and Gender-Based Violence
Project S.A.F.E. at City Colleges was invited to serve on the Mayor’s Office Advisory Council
on Gender-Based Violence and the Inter-Agency Working Group.
City Colleges in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office and other agencies and stakeholders
developed the Citywide Strategic Plan to Address Gender-Based Violence and Human
City Colleges presented at the Mayor’s Inter-Agency Working Group on several occasions,
and has been used as an exemplar of how municipal institutions can prioritize violence
prevention and response at an institutional level.
Prohibited Conduct and Sanctions
As part of the City Colleges of Chicago, Daley College prohibits the possession of weapons, including
carrying, maintaining, or storing firearms, on any college or campus facility when not required by the
individual’s job or in accordance with relevant district policies or state statutes. Appropriate disciplinary
action, including arrest and prosecution, will be enacted for any person discovered to possess a firearm
or weapon on district property.
Prohibited conduct considered unacceptable by the district and which will subject the individual(s) to
disciplinary action in alignment with district policy includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Threat of or actual physical injury to others.
Physical or verbal behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury.
Physical or verbal behavior that results in significant emotional distress to an individual(s).
Physical or verbal behavior or threatening violent behavior, whether actual or perceived, based
on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or other protected status.
Threat of or actual defacement and/or damage of property.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Sexual assault or harassment, including stalking and dating or domestic violence.
Brandishing a weapon or firearm.
Retaliation against any individual(s) who reports a violation of these guidelines.
In addition to prohibited conduct, the Daley College VPP has identified thresholds of conduct that the
district deems to be unacceptable as well as indicators of possible future violent action. These include
the following:
Significant violent ideations or the expression of violent ideas or the intent to harm others.
Suicidal threat, attempt, or significant suicidal ideation.
Pattern of physical or emotional bullying.
Attempting to control processes, outcomes, or decisions that are inappropriate given the
person’s standing or position.
Delusional ideations or behavior.
Excessive, inappropriate, and/or illegal alcohol or drug use.
Violence against Women Act Offenses, which include Criminal Sexual Assault, Domestic
Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking.
Retaliation against and/or intimidation of employees, students, program participants, witnesses or any
other persons who make complaints or who cooperate in EEO investigations is strictly prohibited. CCC
has procedures to ensure that the school, security personnel, employee, or agent of the school, does
n o t retaliate, intimidate, threaten, coerce, or otherwise discriminate against any individual for
exercising their rights or responsibilities.
Daley College prohibits all forms of sexual misconduct, including, but not limited to, dating violence,
domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. Daley College values the health and safety of every
individual on campus and expects students and employees to treat other persons with respect and
dignity. Any behavior which causes the sexual assault or abuse of another person will not be tolerated, is
a violation of the college’s policy and may result in sanctions ranging from probation to expulsion or
Disciplinary action on the part of the college does not preclude the possibility of criminal charges against
the individual. In order for the college to deal more effectively with sex offenses, it is essential that these
incidents be reported.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Related Policies, Statutes and Laws
Illinois Criminal Code (720 ILCS 5/
Criminal Sexual Assault-(720 ILCS 5/11-1.20, et. seq)
State of Illinois Campus Security Enhancement Act 2008 (110 ILCS 12/1, et. seq)
Illinois Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Mental Health Code (405 ILCS 5/1-
Illinois Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act (740 ILCS 110/
Clery Campus Security Act (20 U.S.C. § 1092, et. al)
Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 (CSCPA)
Title IX (20 U.S.C. A § 1681 et. seq)
Violence against Women Act (Title IV, sec. 40001-40703 & 42 U.S.C. ch. 136)
City Colleges of Chicago Academic and Student Policy, Section 8
Drug and Alcohol-Free Campus
Safety and Security Policy
Disciplinary Hearings and Appeals
City Colleges of Chicago Employee Manual, Section III.
Alcohol Free Workplace
Drug Free Workplace
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Violence in the Workplace
Discipline and Termination
Integration of Policies
The Daley College VPP is incorporated as part of the Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan.
The activities of the VPP fall under the oversight of the Daley College President and are in alignment
with the overall district emergency management plan as defined in the AHCEP and VPP. Crisis
management will be conducted in accordance with the overall policies and procedures outlined in the
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Based on research in violence prevention, Daley College acknowledges the following factors to be key in
reducing violence:
1. A strong sense of community and connection.
2. An increased sense of security with security/police presence.
3. Crime prevention and awareness program.
4. Reporting and monitoring of crimes.
A common theme of all awareness and prevention programs is to encourage students, faculty and staff
to be aware of their shared responsibilities for their own security and the security of others.
Daley College Safety and Security will be responsible for evaluating their current college/campus
initiatives designed to address these four factors as well as advising college and district staff on new
activities or initiatives to increase these four factors.
Daley College provides crime prevention and safety and security awareness to include “Security
Awareness/Crime Prevention Tips” and “Emergency Evacuation-What You Should Know” presentations
at various times throughout the school year to include orientation and registration of each semester.
Daley College Safety and Security posts crime alerts for awareness when there is a notable trend.
Title IX represents the federal law designed to prevent sexual assault and harassment of students on
college campuses and promote gender equity in education. Title IX protects you from sexual assault,
sexual harassment, and stalking on campus grounds. This includes protection from gender-based
violence between any of the following groups: men, women, transgender people, and gender non-
conforming persons. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is the cornerstone of our nation's
response to domestic and sexual violence.
Daley College provides informational programs on “Know Your Title IX Rights”, Federal, State and CCC
Policies on Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking. These programs include
information on preventing Domestic Violence, Dating, Sexual Assault, Stalking, what to do and
procedures to follow if you have been the victim of a Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence
or Stalking incident, bystander intervention, and voluntary and confidential reporting at various times
throughout the school year to include orientation and registration of each semester.
Daley College has standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession, use or
distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees. These include the City Colleges
of Chicago District-wide Employee Manual, Board Rules, and Student Policy Manual.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
AHCEP and VPP Coordination with Outside Agencies
A. The All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and the Campus Violence Prevention Plan will be
coordinated with the Chicago Office of Emergency Management and Communications to
provide guidance and identify resources.
B. Upon completion a copy the Plans will be sent to OEMC and the Illinois Community College
C. The plans will be reviewed annually by the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services to make
updates as necessary.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Richard J. Daley College Map
7500 South Pulaski Rd
Chicago, IL 60652
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Fire Emergencies
Medical Emergencies
Hazardous Material
Building Systems
Food Poisoning
Hazardous Material Release (Toxic/Cloud)
White Powder/Chem/Bio /Rad/Spill /Exposure
Radiation Exposure
Automobile Accident
District-wide Utility Failure
Limited Utility Failure
Limited ITFailure
Hostage Situation
Local-level Terrorism
Sexual Assault
City Colleges of Chicago Incident Communications Matrix
Persons/Offices To Be Notified
Initial Notification
Initial Notification
Require Immediate Notification of the Incident
Require Immediate Notification at the Direction of the VCS&S
Notify at the Direction of the Emergency Incident Command
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
AHCEP Training Matrix
City Colleges of Chicago
All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan
Training Matrix
Security Staff
Tabletop Exercises
Emergency Drills:
Fire/Tornado/Severe Weather/Shelter-in-Place/Lockdown
A = Annually
S = Once per Semester/Summer Session
Specific Emergency Protocols
The United States Department of Homeland Security defines the Active Shooter as "an individual or
individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in
most cases, active shooters use rearm[s] and there is no pattern or method to their selection of
One or more suspect(s) who, as police respond to the scene, are actively killing and/or causing
serious, life-threatening bodily injury to multiple victims. The overriding objective of the
suspect(s) appears to be that of mass murder, rather than other criminal conduct such as
robbery or hostage-taking.
Threat is not contained and there is immediate risk of death and injury.
Considered the greatest threat on campuses.
Leaves little or no time for proper planning and requires law enforcement to take immediate
These situations can and often develop into hostage situations upon the arrival of law
enforcement. For additional information:
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
How to respond when an ACTIVE SHOOTER is in your vicinity:
Quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life. Remember that staff, students and
visitors are likely to follow the lead of employees and managers during an active shooter situation.
RUN - If there is an accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises. Be sure to:
Have an escape route and plan in mind.
Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
Leave your belongings behind.
Help others escape, if possible.
Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be.
Keep your hands visible.
Follow the instructions of any police officers.
Do not attempt to move wounded people.
Call 911 when you are safe.
HIDE - If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to
find you. Your hiding place should:
Be out of the active shooter’s view.
Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e. an office with a closed and locked
Remain calm.
Dial 911 if possible to alert police to the active shooter’s location.
If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.
FIGHT - Take action against the active shooter as a last resort. If your life is in imminent
danger, attempt to disrupt and or incapacitate the active shooter by:
Acting as aggressively as possible against him/her.
Throwing items and improvising weapons.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
How to react when law enforcement arrives:
Remain calm, and follow officers instructions.
Put down any items in your hands.
Immediately raise hands and spread fingers.
Keep hands visible at all times
Avoid making quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety
Avoid pointing, screaming and or yelling
Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the
direction from which officers are entering the premises
Do not restrict your options for movement
If the fire appears to be small, and you have been trained to use the fire extinguishers, get a fire
extinguisher and directly spray at the base of the fire. Do not take any unnecessary risk in doing this. If a
fire extinguisher is not readily available, activate the building emergency fire alarm and follow
evacuation procedures. Inform the College Safety and Security Officer at: 773-838-7608
of the location of
the fire.
If you observe a fire that does not appear controllable:
Close, but do not lock, all doors to confine the fire.
Activate the emergency fire alarm.
Follow the evacuation procedures relayed by Safety and Security and staff.
Inform the College Safety and Security Officer of any information you have about the
location of the fire.
If you become trapped in the building during a fire, remain near the floor where the air will be
less toxic:
Shout at regular intervals to alert Emergency Crews and/or Chicago Fire Department
Responders of your location.
If at all possible, place an article of clothing out of the window where it can be seen by Rescue
Crews and/or Chicago Fire Department Responders.
If your clothing catches fire, STOP DROP and ROLL! Immediately drop to the floor and roll
repeatedly to extinguish the flames, holding your hands over your face to protect it
from the
Get burned areas under cool water as soon as possible. Get help without delay.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Most College or Campus demonstrations are peaceful. Students, faculty and staff should attempt to
carry on business as normally as possible. However, College Safety and Security
Officers should be
notified at: 773-838-7608 if demonstrations:
Interfere with normal operations of the College.
Prevent access to offices and other College facilities.
Threaten physical harm to building occupants.
Damage College equipment and facilities.
If demonstrations are disruptive or potentially violent, College Safety and Security Officers will be
responsible for informing the President of the College. The Dean of Student Services will ask
demonstrators to terminate the disruptive activity. If the demonstration persists, the Dean of Student
Services will consult with the College President and Director of Safety and Security. If it appears there is
the potential for injury to building occupants or damage to College
equipment and facilities, the College
President or his designee will determine if the Chicago Police Department is to be contacted. If the
disruptive or potentially violent demonstration takes place after business hours, College Safety and
Security Officer(s) will notify the Night or
Weekend Administrator on duty and may contact the Chicago
Police Department without counsel from others if it is immediately determined necessary to maintain
the safety of building occupants and/or College equipment and facilities.
Everyone is asked to assist in making the College Campus a safe place to study, learn, work and attend.
All building occupants must be alert to suspicious situations and promptly reporting them to the College
Safety and Security Officers, 773-838-7608. If any building occupant
observes an individual who is
threatening harm to himself/herself or to others, immediately inform a College Safety and Security
Officer. Do not try to handle the situations that are
potentially dangerous. As a building occupant, if you
are a victim or a witness to any offense,
promptly notify a College Safety and Security Officer and
provide as much information as possible, such as:
Nature of the incident.
Location of the incident.
Description of the person(s) involved.
Description of the property involved.
Be available to provide College Safety and Security Officers with any additional information they
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Building occupants must take any bomb threat seriously and report it immediately to the
Safety and Security Officers 773-838-7608. College Safety and Security Officers will contact the College
President or designee, who will determine if the building must be
evacuated, or if other action must be
Written bomb threat: Do not handle it any more than necessary; place it in an envelope
preserve possible DNA or finger prints.
Telephone bomb threat: Try to obtain as much information from the caller as possible. Note
the exact time of the call and attempt to write down the words of the caller. Ask
when the
bomb is set to explode, what kind of bomb it is, where it is located, and what
it looks like. Note
the estimated age and gender of the caller, speech patterns, accent,
tone of voice, emotional
state (agitated, calm, etc.), and background noises near the
caller. Ask the caller why the bomb
was set. Immediately contact the College Safety
and Security Officers and give them all the
information you obtained.
Suspicious package or letter: Inform College Safety and Security Officers immediately if you
observe a suspicious package or letter. Do not open it. Some points to recognize are:
No return address, insufficient or excessive postage, restrictive markings, such as
Confidential, wrapped in brown paper, discoloration on wrapping paper, hand-written or
poorly typed/written address, incorrect title, title but no name, excessive weight,
envelope, uneven envelope, excessive securing material (masking tape, string,
etc.), foreign
mail, air mail or special delivery.
If you observe an object you suspect to be a bomb, immediately contact College Safety
Security Officers. Do not handle any object you suspect to be a bomb. If you have
that leads you to believe a bomb is in your immediate area, do not touch anything! Notify
College Safety and Security Officers at once!
Some typical characteristics which ought to trigger suspicion include letters or parcels that:
Have any powdery substance on the outside.
Are unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you.
Have excessive postage, handwritten or poorly typed address, incorrect titles or titles with
no name, or misspellings of common words.
Are addressed to someone no longer with your organization or are otherwise outdated.
Have no return address or have one that can't be verified as legitimate.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
In the event of a utility failure, contact College Safety and Security Officers Office 773-838-7608. Inform
them to contact College Engineering Staff of your location and reporting of utility failure. College Safety
and Security Officers will notify College Engineering Staff by two-way radio. In the event of a major
utility failure, College Safety and Security Officers will also notify the President of the College or his
designee and the Director of Auxiliary Services. College Safety and Security Officers will notify the
building occupants to evacuate the building, if safe and necessary.
Additional information and instructions are listed regarding specific utility failures:
Electrical/Light Failure The College has a secondary source of electricity that is automatically
activated when the primary source is interrupted. If both of these systems fail, College Safety
and Security Officers will inform the building occupants to evacuate the building. Consider
keeping a flashlight located where it can be easily found in the dark to assist in evacuation.
Plumbing Failure causing Flooding Do not use any electrical equipment! Notify the College
Safety and Security Officers. Inform them to contact College Engineering Staff of your location
and report the location of the plumbing failure, immediately.
Gas Leak Do not switch on lights or electrical equipment because electrical arching can trigger
an explosion! If you smell gas, vacate the area and contact College Safety and Security Officers
immediately. Inform them of your location and report the location of the gas leak failure.
Ventilation Problems If smoke or other odors come from the ventilation system, vacate the
area and contact College Safety and Security Officers. Inform them of your location and report
the location of the ventilation problem area and the type of problem occurring, immediately.
Eyes, if contaminated, should be flushed immediately, contaminated clothes removed,
chemicals washed from the victim. First aid procedures should be started at once by
Report spillage of a hazardous chemical or radioactive material immediately by calling 911
Security at 773-838-7608. Be specific about the exact location and nature of the
Try to vacate the area at once and seal it off to prevent further contamination of other
areas. If
necessary to evacuate the building, follow the evacuation procedures in this manual.
Richard J Daley College All Hazards Campus Emergency Plan and Violence Prevention Plan
Federal Criminal Code defines weapons of mass destruction as:
Any weapon that is designed or intended to cause death or serious bodily injury through the
release, dissemination, or impact of toxic or poisonous chemicals, or their precursors; such as
mustard gas, nerve agents, and saran gas.
Any weapon involving a disease organism; such as small pox outline toxin, and anthrax.
Any weapon that is designed to release radiation or radioactivity at a level dangerous to human
In the unlikely event of an earthquake, please immediately react as follows during an earthquake:
If you are indoors, remain there. Do not run outside. Falling debris may cause
Take cover underneath a desk or table, or stand in a doorway or corner. Protect
head and neck.
Stay away from windows, glass dividers and objects that could fall on you.
Stay away from outside walls.
Do not use elevators.
If outdoors, stay in an open area away from power lines, buildings and trees. Do not
the building.
After the earthquake:
Be prepared for aftershocks. Do not return to your classroom or work area until
directed to do so.
Give First Aid to injured individuals.
Do not move victims unless absolutely necessary.
Replace telephone headsets, but do not use the telephone equipment except to report
fires or medical emergencies.
Go to the interior of the building, staying away from the exterior walls.
Follow instructions of Emergency Crews.
Be prepared to evacuate the area, if necessary.
Building occupants will be notified by Security personnel using the pubic address (PA) system, CCC Alert
verbally to shelter-in-Place or evacuate the building. After the incident is concluded occupants will
be give notification to resume normal activities when it is safe.