State of Maryland
Commission on Civil Rights
6 Saint Paul Street, Suite 900
Baltimore, MD 21202-1631
What Does at Mean?
If you have a disability that is contributed to or caused by
pregnancy, you may request a reasonable accommodation
at work. Your employer must explore “all possible means
of providing the reasonable accommodation.State
Government Article, §20-609(d)
e law lists an assortment of options for both you and
your employer to consider in order to comply with a
request for reasonable accommodation. ese include,
but are not limited to:
• Changing job duties
• Changing work hours
• Relocation
• Providing mechanical or electrical aids
• Transfers to less strenuous or less hazardous positions
• Providing leave
Every situation is dierent. You must explore every
available option with your employer to decide what
accommodation best suits your needs.
Main: (410) 767-8600 | Toll Free: 1 (800) 637-6247 | TTY: (410) 333-1737 | Fax: (410) 333-1841 |
Know Your Rights!
If you are pregnant, you have a legal
right to a reasonable accommodation
if your pregnancy causes or contributes
to a disability and the accommodation
does not impose an undue hardship
on your employer. State Government
Article, §20-609(b)
Do I Need A Doctors Note?
It depends on what your employer requests. e law
allows an employer, at his or her discretion, to require
certication from your health care provider regarding the
medical advisability of a reasonable accommodation, but
only to the same extent certication is required for other
temporary disabilities. State Government Article, §20-
If required, the certication must include:
• Date a reasonable accommodation is medically
• Probable duration of the accommodation should be
• Explanation as to the medical advisability of the
reasonable accommodation.
Can I Still Get In Trouble?
Retaliation is prohibited under State Government
Article, §20-609(h) when exercising your rights. If
an employee seeks to exercise her right to request a
reasonable accommodation for a temporary disability
due to pregnancy, an employer may not:
• Interfere with;
• Restrain;
• Deny the exercise; or
• Deny the attempt to exercise the right.
Any form of retaliation is grounds to le a Complaint of
Discrimination with the Maryland Commission on Civil
Rights (MCCR).
What If I Am A Victim Of Discrimination?
If you believe your rights under the law have been violated, you must le a complaint with MCCR within 6
months of the alleged act of discrimination. A trained Civil Rights Ocer will work with you to discuss what
happened and determine if there is reason to believe a discriminatory violation occurred. You can reach MCCR
by phone, email, fax, letter, or walk-in. All procedures by MCCR are condential until your case is certied for
public hearing or trial.
& Working